Tuesday, March 27, 2012

RED BULL Cupcakes

Finals. So exhausting. I'm so happy to be done with them and home and sleeping in and baking cupcakes as often as I want. I obviously had some stress baking to do to keep my nerves in line and to keep my sanity during this crazy week. I LOVE red bull. It is so delicious, not to mention the caffeine effects are to die for. BUT, I cut myself off this term cold turkey because red bull is SO bad for you. In honor of finals week, however, I decided red bull cupcakes were totally in order. This easy recipe was perfect for the exhausting week and these cupcakes were a delicious treat.
Cheetah just elbows deep in physics. These were the perfect study snack!

1 1/2 Sticks butter
1 1/2 cups sugar
2 eggs
Splash of vanilla
2 cups flour
2 1/2 t baking powder
1/4 t salt
1/3 cup milk
6 oz Red Bull

Beat butter and sugar until fluffy. Add the eggs, one at a time, and blend until combined. Mix in the vanilla. In a separate bowl, sift together the dry ingredients. Alternate adding the flour mixture and the milk and red bull to the butter mixture. Blend until combined. Divide the batter among lined cupcakes tins and bake at 350 for 20 minutes.

1 1/2 sticks butter
3 cups powdered sugar
2 oz red bull

Beat the butter until fluffy and slowly add the powdered sugar. Add the red bull and blend until think and creamy. Spoon or pipe onto completely cooled cupcakes. 

I wanted to make these cupcakes as elegant as possible because red bull is the most elegant of energy drinks. It seems to be the least radioactive of all energy drinks so I wanted these to be as crisp as possible. But red bull is fun so I dusted them with a little blue sugar. 

The carbonation from the red bull made these cupcakes super springy, which was a nice change of pace. Usually I like my cupcakes pretty dense but these were delicious. The red bull flavor was light and scrumptious as ever. I'm a BIG fan of these. I want to try some new recipes with with carbonation. I really liked the consistency of these cupcakes. 

I hope these cupcakes give you wings!


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